Sunday, June 30, 2013


As someone who has baby-sat since she was twelve (well, baby-sat other kids since she was twelve, I've been baby-sitting my sisters since I was about eight), it's always amazing to watch kids grow up in front of your eyes. The one that I've been the closest to lately is Miss Bailie. I baby-sat her when she was really little (we were talking about it yesterday and I've known her since she was 4) and for the last three years, I've been able to watch her grow, mature, change, figure out who she is and what she wants to be. Sometimes, like all little sisters, she drives me crazy but other times, she is so much fun to hang out with. I feel really lucky to have been witness to her growth and change, from little kid begging me to watch Jurassic Park, to budding artist that uses my legs as a canvas, to pretending that we're sisters when ordering dinner at Disneyland, to loving Empire Records because she wants to work at a record store, to playing with crazy wigs and loving anime, to learning piano and guitar and loving choir and singing, to making it through some really really rough times, to being a caring kid who thinks about others. I cannot wait to see where life will continue to take her!

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