Wednesday, July 3, 2013

San Diego Father's Day

Because we were all over the place the day of and because Roni would be in town the following week, we decided to postpone Father's Day for a week. My sisters and I put our heads together and we eventually thought that a day in San Diego would be nice, especially if we could hit up one of the breweries that SD is known for.

The day began a little painfully since Roni, Shiri and I were all pretty sunburned. We powered through, though, because that's how we roll. We started out with a breakfast at Proud Mary's in Dana Point. We didn't have too long to wait and the breakfast was just delicious. Roni, Shiri and Mom got breakfast burritos and Abba and I got similar omelets. Man, it was so yummy!

From then, we braved what ended up being pretty normal traffic down to Stone Brewery in Escondido. There was a huge beer festival going on but we were still able to pop into the tour. The tour guide reminded me so much of one of my students but he was great- really personable and gave some great information. I probably would have appreciated it more if I were a beer drinker. The samples were all apparently really good and there were some beer glasses on sale so we picked up a few.

Because we didn't want to go all the way into San Diego, we decided to stay in the northern part of the town and go to Solano Beach. The first place we headed to was the Solano Beach Farmer's Market which was actually quite wonderful. All the free samples we got were perfect for holding us over until dinner and I loved the colors of all the fruits and vegetables. The beach itself was also wonderful. It was absolutely gorgeous and one of those beaches that you could just walk for miles and miles and miles. We luckily did not do that but the views were still stunning.

Dinner was at a burger place called Chiefs and, to continue with the trend of the day, the food was delicious. We were able to sit outside and although it was still sunny, the breezes from the ocean, which was about three blocks away, was just what we needed to keep temperate.

Happy Father's Day, Abba! You're the best dad in the whole wide world!

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