Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Jars love

So the Jars of Clay concert was absolutely awesome. I'm still giddy thinking about how such a small venue was so awesome for being up close and personal with the guys and their music. I'm going to bullet-point out my favorite moments. 

- dinner with Youval at the Ha'Penny before hand in the most perfect weather for outside seating

-FRONT row standing "seats", and right in the center of the rail

-noticing Matt and Charlie standing at the back next to the bar and going over to get pictures and have a quick chat

-standing and listening to Brooke Waggoner perform and then turn around to see Matt standing right behind us enjoying the music as well. Seriously, I love these guys so much. 

-so much cello, you guys, SO MUCH CELLO (and it had a feather at the top.... I love it)

-Charlie coming onto the stage and giving me a nod and grin (warm fuzzies....)

-Literally singing along to a line of "Age of Immature Mistakes" with Steve and exchanging grins (the things you can do in the front row...)

-getting a set list at the end of the show to add to my collection

-a set list that included pretty much all of my current favorites (After the Fight... Skin and Bones... FALL ASLEEP... Like a Child...Frail...)

-getting the most comfy Jars t-shirt that I seriously could wear everyday 



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