Thursday, March 6, 2014

Daily Photostream

This weekend, I listened to an NPR clip about the development of these new little cameras that you clip onto your shirt or lapel or something. These cameras take a picture every 5 seconds or so and basically document your entire life. You then download the pictures and delete the ones that you don't want and keep the ones you do.

So I was thinking about this and I was conflicted. Part of me was thinking "man, that's a lot of pictures and probably 85% or more would be blurry or of my car or something."

But then, I started thinking about all the moments in life that you wish you had captured and this would help with that. Take Tuesday, for example. Here are some things this little camera would have taken pictures of:

-entering the quincinera store in Caldwell with all of the huge poufy, bedazzled, sequined dresses

-Howard Berger searching for the dresses for something that would fit

-a really nervous Asian woman working at the store, wearing latex gloves and contemplating calling the cops on this 60-year old man buying a dress

-the girl dressed all in pink, including pink hair and pink eyebrows (for breast cancer awareness) looking at tiaras and headdresses

-the nervous Asian woman looking skeptical when Howard was paying for the dress

-investigating wigs in the C of I costume shop

-Howard trying on various wigs, including a really long blonde one and one that looked like a Jesus wig

I mean, how awesome would it have been to have these moments captured? There are just some times that you can't pull out your camera but want moments captured. In these cases, this little camera would be perfect!

Get ready for Purim, C of I. It's going to be ridiculous.

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