Saturday, March 15, 2014


I did it! After two and a half years of research and writing, revising and editing, I defended my masters thesis. Things were down to the wire because of the grad college deadline and with committee members traveling but we booked March 13 at noon on the calendar and I spent two weeks working on preparing my talk.

I wasn't sure what to expect from the defense. I got to the room a bit early and practiced my talk one more time. Niki and Mark, along with another girl from my classes and her bf were there, as was the assistant dean of the grad college. My committee was obviously also there. I read through my presentation (well, barreled through it- I wasn't nervous, I just wanted to get to the questions!) and then opened up the floor for questions. Niki and Mark both asked a few, as did the grad college guy, although his questions were a bit off-topic. Then the room was cleared except for me and my committee and they asked me questions. Well, sort of. One asked me questions, one gave me a bunch of comments and my chair said that her questions had already been answered. So I was banished to the hallway where I chatted with Mark and Niki until I was called back in about ten minutes alter and had my hand shaken. I had passed! Hooray! Dr. Klein and I met quickly to talk about a few last minute things and then I was free to celebrate.

Lots of people sent facebook messages and texts, Niki took me to Bleubird Cafe for lunch (YUM!), Jennie, Kevin, Juliette, Caitlin and I met at the Birdstop for drinks that afternoon and the following day, friends made it out last minute to Leku Ona to have some drinks and celebrate. I'm so grateful for my wonderful friends and family that supported me through all of this. I'm so glad that I'm so close to being finished!

1 comment:

  1. This made me go and find the email that I sent mom and abba the minute I walked out of the room after my defense. Feels so good doesn't it?!?! Congrats again!
