Thursday, November 27, 2014

30B430 #24

I forgot to mention that part of my snow day extravaganza was to complete #24 on my list: Complete a Fitness Blender 1000 calorie workout! (See picture documentation from the previous day...) Because my coffee table was out of the way before of the night before, I took the opportunity to set up "Monty Python and the HOly Grail" (if I was going to do an hour and a half workout full of HIIT, Tabata, strength training and abs, I was going to need SOMETHING to amuse and occupy my mind. On the stool next to me, I also set up the workout and got started. You definitely had to be in it for the long haul but I did it! In case you're curious what I did, here is the video that I did. I challenge you to try it! You'll be glad that you did! (If not a bit tired....)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Snow Days

Two weeks before Thanksgiving, the forecast read snow on Thursday and Friday. My C of I students were doing debates and on Tuesday, one of my students raised his hand and said “Miss, if it snows on Thursday, I’m not coming to class.” To which I replied, “if you haven’t done your debate, you will.” Well, Thursday dawned and it was certainly snowy. It was coming down and it was sticking. Surprisingly, all of my football students showed up that morning for the second half of debates and I sent an email out to my CWI students letting them know that we would have class. Naturally, many didn’t show up, since the roads were pretty terrible- it took me about 25 minutes to make it down the Blvd- and so we had a shorter class and then I let them go. Being at home wasn’t a big deal and getting over to C of I wasn’t a bit deal but I was on edge all day, thinking about having to drive out to Boise. Abbey and I had dinner plans and I ended up canceling them since I didn’t want to drive if I didn’t have to and, at about 10:15, I got a call and a text from CWI notifying everyone that the school’s opening would be delayed until 11:00 am. SCORE. That meant that I would avoid driving out to Boise in terrible weather and I would get to sleep in the next morning. I certainly slept well that night knowing that I wouldn’t have to be driving.

When I awoke the next morning, both CWI and C of I had called snow days. It was fantastic! I sat, curled up on my couch, and watched Lewis for most of the morning, and then went out on a long walk through the snow. It wasn’t terribly cold but it was beautiful. That evening, I had arranged to have my girls over and after they got together at Ashley’s first, they came over to my place. I had chili in the crockpot and had made a batch of slutty brownies and they just dug into everything. It was lovely to have them over and we watched a little bit of “Ten Things I Hate About You” before they headed out to meet some friends. They updated me on their crushes, on the most recent gossip of schools, we made many calls to Blair who was MIA (but not missing- Blair is never missing) and they cuddled up on the futon mattress eating popcorn while they watched the movie.

The next morning, there was a lot more relaxing on the couch and watching TV until I headed out for a long walk. I probably walked for a good two hours, enjoying the sunshine, listening to Serial, and tramping through the snow. After two days of gloom and snow falling, it was lovely to be outside in the sunshine. I grabbed a quick drink with Caitlin downtown at the Birdstop and then headed over to campus to watch the play. The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet and other than a quick drive out to Winco, I was able to walk everywhere I wanted to go. I was NOT pleased with the condition of the roads over the next few days, as Caldwell and Nampa are terrible at taking care of their roads, but it was nice to hibernate up at home with some yummy food for a few days and only venture out for some lovely walks and some lovely podcast listening. The snow weekend was well appreciated. And just beautiful.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Idaho Votes

It’s not easy being a non-Republican in the state of Idaho. But in order ot be with fellow, like-minded thinkers, Tessa picked up some tickets to the Democratic party and we headed downtown on Election Night. Needless to say, it did not end well for the Democratcs, which was disappointing, especially in the School Superindentent race, but we met some interesting people, like the SUPER drunk guy, snagged a picture with AJ Balukoff, made it onto TV for a few minutes, met up with Brooke for awhile, and tried to enjoy as much of the night as we could, despite the results. 


Sunday, November 2, 2014


With Baby Mac only a few months old, Katie and Chris took over hosting duties. We had a few kids come by and it was good to see Aly and Greg, Joanna and Steve, and Stacey and Drew. But my favorite part of Thanksgiving was doing the makeup for my skeleton costume. The costume itself was super easy- all black with black boots- but the makeup was the fun part! I found some cheap very light foundation and a few pots of cream eyeliner and cheap brushes. The hardest thing to find was the white eyeliner but Walgreens came through in the end. I found a really easy tutorial online and followed it to a T. I think it turned out great! I also got to rat-tease my hair a bit to make it seem a bit crazier, and it was fun driving over to Chris and Katie’s looking the way that I did. I’m pretty terrible at make up so I’m really proud of how it turned out!