Friday, December 19, 2014

30B430 #22

This was a bit unexpected but on Wednesday, Jocelyn and I hiked Lucky Peak and I crossed another thing off my list. She suggested doing something once finals was finished and this worked out perfectly. I had gotten together with a friend earlier than morning but we made our way out to East Boise. We ended up parking over by Lucky 13 and the Shakespeare Festival, up in a little neighborhood, and started the trek up Lucky Peak. I had googled a couple different trails and maps but I really didn’t have any idea of where we were going. The trail was really well maintained though and there was a sign showing us where to go a few feet away from where we parked. The hike was beautiful but my, it was steep. It had its moments of flat but mostly it was an uphill incline that wound its way back and forth through the hillside. After about two hours, we felt like we were getting really close but all of a sudden, the path took us around the backside and we found ourselves in Narnia. Because we were on the back side of the mountain, we didn’t have much sunlight and there was a lot more snow and trees and some downhills. It felt like there was at least another 25 minutes of  slogging uphill in the snow and cold. But the view from the top was spectacular. We were high. Like, really high. And we had a view of not only Boise and Tablerock below us on one side, but also on the Sawtooths on the other side. It was cold and slightly windy but just gorgeous. We didn’t stay up for long but took a few pictures and then started our trek back down, which was much nicer because there were only two little uphills. Jocelyn was lovely company and I’m not sure I would have made it all the way to the top without her. It was an unexpected afternoon but I’m so glad that we did it!

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