Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Whirlwind of a Start....

The Saturday night before the first week of the semester, I had 20 students registered for Study Skills. In case you were wondering, that is TOO MANY.

Also a lot of the names seemed international. That's tricky because something they don't have study skills issues, they have language issues. But I don't know anything until I meet them for the first time.

The day before the first day of class, a girl asks to join the class. I have a hard time saying no so I let her in.

On the first day of class, I lay down the law: if you don't do your work, I WILL drop you. I don't have time to coddle you. If you want to be here, get the work done. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Of the 21 students on my roster, 15 show up. One of the remaining six emails me that her car broke down. I have yet to see her.

Over the next few days, the numbers go up and down. Finally, they settled down at 14 with only 11 showing up consistently. The girl who asked to sign up the day before class has yet to show up again as well.... ugh.

Of the students that DO show up, almost all have been doing their HW, are participating, doing well on quizzes. Incidentally, TWO play the cello. How bizarre but fun. Next week I meet with them all one-on-one, which is my favorite day of the semester.

Two weeks down, ten more to go!

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