Friday, March 22, 2013

And I'm off!

The trip started off on a bit of a rough start. Because of what I'm becoming more ad more convinced is minor dyslexia, I read my 11:04 flight as 11:40. I had planned to take Addy out for a run, take a long shower, have breakfast and then grab some lunch on the way to the airport. Instead, I ended up taking a two-second shower, tried to deal with all the contacts being wiped from my phone and racing to the airport with Brooke.

However, because of a delayed flight, there was no way I was going to make my connection in LA. United decided to make up for making me sleep on the floor of DIA nine months ago and rebooked me in a flight through SFO. The first flight was simple and easy and I had plenty of time to grab a sourdough sandwich before my flight to Newark.

The flight to Newark was long, which was not fortuitous because I knew the next flight would be twice the length. I watched Silver Lining's Playbook, which I really enjoyed and then a bunch of other TV shows, including BBT and Chopped. The lady who won annoyed me. My favorite guy was chopped first.

I was siting next to an older lady who, as we were starting to land, started telling me all about these clots she got after a flight a few years ago and how they almost killed her so I should make sure to walk around a bunch next flight. "you never know when it's your time to go." Thanks, Grandma Gert. That's exactly what I needed to hear.

The transfer to the next flight made me feel like I was at Ellis Island. Israelis and Jews are loud and we were kept in this little area, secluded from the rest of the airport, I showed my passport no less than three times. I felt sick to my stomach (I blame trail mix...). They made me check y bag even though there was totally enough room. I was sitting right in front of 20 students who were loud. The people in the plane acted like their teacher had left the room and left them alone. The flight attendants were not nice nor did they serve me dinner. However, I did sleep, which was nice.

And, despite having to wait a few minutes, Amos picked me up at the airport, I had dinner with Karen, I got a shower and spent the evening with Rotem, Roee and the kidlets.

So in the end, it was all worth it...

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