Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday's List of 10

1. The downstairs neighbors (neighbor? I still can't tell if just one person lives there or if the kids that are running back and forth are just borrowed or what...) have a new dog. This thing is YAPPY. It's not a consistent yap so it really doesn't bother me and it's never woken me up or anything but man, sometimes it barks and I just wait to hear the sound of flesh being shredded. And that concerns me because what do you do at that point? It's just awkward.

2. I tried out a new recipe (thanks spark recipes or whatever you're called....). It was SUPER easy. Saute onions, peppers and carrots in oil over medium heat. Add some cubed chicken and let it cook all the way through. Then add some canned tomatoes (with the juice) and some veggie or chicken stock. I used veggie since there was already an open carton in the fridge. When that's bubbling, throw on some couscous, turn to low and let it simmer, covered, until the couscous is cooked or the liquid is gone. Done. One pan to clean. Speaking of cleaning dishes, somehow, my dishes pile up QUICKLY. I did dishes on Sunday and then two days later, the sink is filled with them. How does this keep happening?

3. Book club on Friday turned into an awkward-dating story night. We also may have seen Trent's high school dance picture and spent some time on OK-Cupid. What does YOUR book club do?

4. Target is dangerous. But cheap. Here is what I bought for under $50 last week. Don't hate.

5. I've been watching a lot of great movies lately from Netflix. I'll do a post about them in a bit. This movie is not one I've watched but it was on sale at Target. I almost got it...

6. Holy-moly, that was some heavy thunder and massive gust of wind. Except it's not raining. At least not outside my house. Also, even though I just opened the blinds, it got ruuuuul dark in here... Here's what outside my house looks like...

7. Recently, I've decided that I'm only really going to go to the office on Tuesday and Thursdays when I have class and then office hours. Monday, Wednesday and Fridays have become a routine of working out when I get up, having some coffee and breakfast, watching my Netflix if I have one (so I can get it back that day... time is money, people!), and then spending the rest of the day doing homework. This consists of lots and lots of reading, note-taking and bibliographical annotating. But I enjoy it.

8. My sister ( posted about a youtube video she watched and is now keeping a calender where she writes down one thing she did each day. I have the Hawaii calendar Yosh gave me and have decided to do the same. I've very excited about the prospects of this. Thank you daily journal and i-phone calender for reminding me what I did these last two months (except for two Tuesdays in January and one Wednesday in Freburary... clearly I have no recollection of what I did on any of those days.)

9. Guys, what the heck is the Harlem Shake? I'm seriously asking.

10. The fact that I'm planning three trips over the next seven months makes me happier than most things.


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