Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Current Research

So within the next month, I have three research papers to write. This is very exciting stuff. At least to me. Here’s the breakdown of what I’m doing:

England class research paper: This paper has kidn of shifted focus a few times but in general, I believe I’m going to be writing about why Oswald Mosley is forgotten while Hitler and Mussolini are remembered. I’ll be looking at Mosley’s role in British fascism historiography and attempt to clunclude why his movement and he himself failed and isn’t remembered. Finally, I’ll explain that the only place he’s reallyimmortalized outside his few followers is through fiction, like in “Wigs on the Green” and as Roderick Spode in “Jeeves and Wooster”.

Miller’s research paper: This is also a historiography but a thematic one where I look at various themes within British communism and fascism and trace how historians have looked at those issues. These themes include BUF anti-senitism, use of violence politically and physicall, and the role of BUF culture. I still havea few more books to read aboutn communism (fingers crossed these Inter-Library Loan books arrive soon!) so I’m not entirely sure what the themes will be but possibly the use of youth in tye YCL and possibly the relationship of the CPGB to the Comintern. We’ll see. This is only supposed to be 20 pages so things may have to get cut.

Klein’s research paper: This is the one most cosely related to my thesis. All semester long, I’ve been reading articles, biographies, autobiographies, memories, etc. of members of the upper-class and why they became communist or fascist for a short period of time. This paper will be looking at common themes- generational responses to WWI, push back against their fathers, a pacifistic belief that morphed into communism, etc. There will need to be a LOT of outlining for this because there is so much and I’ve read SO many dang books this semester. It’s the one I feel most confident about though, although I still have some books arriving which could be helpful.

It’s gonna be a busy few weeks!!!

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