Monday, April 1, 2013


Um, so I could have SWORN that I had posted at least one blog about my trip but clearly I did not. I'm sorry, few but faithful blog stalkers. I promise to be better. My goal for April is to blog at least once a day for the entire month. I know, I know, I can hear you laughing all the way from here. But I'm gonna do it!

So for my first post, let's talk about yesterday. I'ts only fitting, I suppose, to write about the first day of the trip as well as the last day. Then everything in between can be taken care of at a later date...

Yesterday started at 3:45 am when my alarm went off. I groggily got dressed and Amir drove me in the dark up to Ben Gurion. When you fly out from Israel, you have to show your passport no less than five different times, as well as be asked questions about whether you packed your own bag and if they were in your sigt at all times, etc. On the plus side, I could do everything in Hebrew, so that was nice. I got through passport countrol and security in no time flat and so had an opportunity to watch an episode of "The Wire". How I love Dominic West.

Because it was only 7 am by the time we took off, I dozed on and off, waking up for some matzah and omelet. I was blown away at how polite and respectful all the passengers were. Clearly this was a different crowd than those who were coming into Israel two weeks prior. I also missed out on watching "Life of Pi" because I was asleep.

We landed in Zurich and had to go through security again... I had just gotten off the plane- did they think I picked something up in the two minutes it took to get from one gate to another? We also had to go through another type of passport control, which seemed a little ridiculous, but who am I to question the inner workings of an airport. I watched another episode of "The Wire" before finally getting a gate assignment and then heading to where my flight was leaving. SwissAir didn't board by rows- it was just kind of a free-for-all- and there were some Americans behind me who were not pleased. Oh Americans.

Although the flight attendants were lovely, the food on SwissAir sucked. I watched "Won't Back Down" which was pretty good and "Lincoln" which I liked but dozed a bit towards the end. The flight also felt endless. The girl sitting next to me was a TOTAL wannabe model/fashionista, from her aviators worn inside to her weird high-tops and Vouge magazines.

I was starving by the time I got to Chicago so after going through customs and back through check-in and security part 2, I grabbed a Mediterranean Chicken salad that I paid $10 for. It was awful. Buyer's remorse for sure. I had five hours to wait around and again didn't have a gate so I found a computer plug, watched some more "The Wire" and eventually stretched out and napped on and off on the floor. At that point, I didn't even care. I had lost all desire to be socially acceptable. When I finally got a gate assignments, I trekked over to the other concourse and waited. I was hoping to see "Life of Pi" but it turned out that we were on one of those teeny-tiny planes that made you gate-check your roller bags so I ended up trying to nap as much as I could.

When I finally landed in Boise, it was after 11:00 pm and I was again starving. Niki came and got me and we stopped at Del Taco so I could grab a Del Classic chicken. I decided to drive home after being dropped off at Brooke's to get my car because all I really wanted to do was sleep in my own bed. I was home by 1:15 and after some quick unpacking and teeth-brushing, I was asleep by 1:30. Not bad...

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