Thursday, July 3, 2014

30B430 #11

So originally, #11 on my list was to run a 10 minute mile. I decided that probably wasn't going to happen so instead, I changed it to a 30 for 30 running challenge: 30 minutes for 30 days in a row. I figured this was a trade up for more running so it evened out. I also decided that if I were running in the foothills, I could hike the uphills as long as I ran the downhills and the flats.

I did a few days in the foothills with Addy, and then did some running through the neighborhood when I was in Caldwell. When I got to Denver, we did some running in this park and I went on a late night run after the graduation festivities. Then on Sunday, we went running through the amphitheatre at Red Rocks. Mom and I ran across the seats and then down a row and back, so on and so forth. I was about 7 rows from the bottom when I just ate it- blood down my leg and several large areas of missing skin. Painful as all get-out, especially on Tuesday when the swelling began.

I actually ran in the foothills on Monday but by Tuesday, when the swelling and bruising began, I had to go to Plan B. This meant about 8 days of jogging in place, either at my house or the Godwins, usually while watching either the World Cup or Supernatural. I figured that this was justifiable, as I was clearly on the DL.

By Day 18, though, I was back to running outside and in the foothills. I was definitely running at a much slower pace than usual but it wasn't mileage that mattered, it was time. It was also very hot while running- one of the days, I ran simply so I could get into the pool right afterwards. Saturday, the 28th was my last day and although i had wanted to run in the foothills, I wasn't heading to Boise until later for the BMF so I ran around my neighborhood for the last time for the challenge and also for the next month and a half. But I did it! At some point, I'll probably try and see if I can run a 10 minute mile but if I can't, I won't feel bad about not being able to check it off the list.

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