Wednesday, July 9, 2014

SD Friends

Every time I come home, I say that I'm going to go down to San Diego. And every time, it never happens. This time, there were new babies, newlyweds, newly pregnant friends to see and so I got in touch with everyone and created a schedule to see all of my SD friends at one time. 

First on the schedule was seeing Amanda and Joe in their adorable little love nest in Encinitas. And of course, I got to meet Arrow, their new kitten. It was the first time ever meeting Joe (about time!)I and he is just lovely. It was so wonderful to catch up with the Fogals and we even went out to this beautiful little coffee shop that was more for the ambiance than the coffee. It actually reminded me of the pub Katie and I went to in Notthingham, without the big lawn in the front. I was so appreciative that they gave up their busy Sundays (and their nap time) to spend the afternoon with me.

Then there was a big of navigating myself down to La Jolla and through an extremely complex apartment building to Maya and Joe's. I think I've seen Maya once since her wedding and I certainly hadn't met Alexandra, their new baby, and so I was pretty excited to make it over to their place. I just wanted to eat this little baby up- she was so sweet and has the most beautiful eyes and the chubbiest cheeks ever. Once again, I was really appreciative that they let me be a part of their evening routine- I hung out for a bit while they gave the baby her bath but I got to feed her a late dinner before heading out at bedtime. Such a little love muffin and of course, it was fantastic to see Maya and catch up on life with her.

I spent the night (and had a late dinner) at Mindy's house and we had plenty of time to catch up, since we had briefly seen each other at Christmas. Between that time and now, she had gotten pregnant, so we caught me up on life and settling into life in San Diego and plans for the future. The following morning, we went on a hike in the Mission area- we didn't make it to the very top since hiking pregnant is a lot different than hiking not pregnant but the views were gorgeous and it was a nice little morning workout.

The last stop of the day was up in Vista at Mariah and Dave's little house in the hills. I met her mom and then we sat outside in their garden catching up. We had had a big phone catch up a few weeks prior but between then and now, she had a wedding and a honeymoon so she told me all about those and filled me in on the details. I wasn't able to make it to the wedding but this was almost better because I had a chance to sit with her and listen to her stories and spend some actual time with her, something I wouldn't have been able to do competing with 200 other people for their attention. It was a great ending to a lovely weekend spending time with people I hold very near to my heart.

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