Sunday, September 21, 2014

FIt-One Year 5

  I’ve lived in Idaho for five years now and every single year, I’ve run the Fit-One Race. It used to be called the Women’s Fitness Celebration but essentially it’s the same thing. I run for the free stuff at the Expo and for the bagels at the end of the race. And I also now run for the shirts because the fancy running shirts are pretty great. Since my last year’s racing buddy was a bit pre-occupied with a newborn, I recruited Caitlin to run with me. She hadn’t slept well the night before and I had already taken Addy-girl out on a run earlier that morning so I really had no expectations about the run so was pretty surprised when we not only ran the entire thing but we also made really pretty great time- 34:38 for me and a few seconds slower for Caitlin. I felt pretty good at the end, despite the heat, and we had a lovely day afterwards, spending some time at the market, having a really great conversation at the Crux, and then watching some terrible trash TV at the Godwins before relaxing in the pool for a bit. I think this might be one of the only things I’ve done every single year since I’ve been back in Idaho and already planning for next year. Who’s going to run with me? 


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