Monday, September 29, 2014

30B430 #6

Things that you think about when you’re preparing to run a ½ marathon.
-What is the best underwear to wear that will cause the least amount of discomfort?
-Do you eat before hand? If so, do you wake up at 6 am to eat some oatmeal and then go back to sleep so that you don’t get a stitch in your side?
-Great, it’s raining. How many layers do I wear? How many layers should I wear?
-I guess you’re going to be that person who needs to cut to the front of the line because I’m totally late.
-Why am I doing this?

Things that you think about when you’re running a ½ marathon.
-Thank goodness the rain has stopped.
-Are they interviewing Phil Collins about love on this podcast? They are interviewing Phil Collins about love on this podcast.
-How much more of this uphill is there going to be?
-Gosh, Idaho countryside is beautiful.
-A downhill! Praise Jesus!
-I’m only NOW making it to the turnaround? I’m going to be running for-EVER.
-Why am I doing this?
-OK, I literally cannot feel my thighs. I might be dying.
-Now I’ve turned into a member of the Ministry of Silly Walks. At lest I can feel my thighs again.
-I have no idea where I am. I have no idea how far I’ve gone. I have no idea what my name is. I have no idea what’s going on. But this podcast is making me cry so at least I have that going for me, I guess.
-Wait, I think I know where we are!
-Good new: I definitely know where we are and I know how much farther to go. Bad news: I running up the steepest hill known to man. I mean, it’s gotta be steeper than Grouse Mountain or Everest or a sheer face of the Dover cliffs. Or something like that.
-Sweet sweet downhill. Kick it up for the last little bit.
-I am so hungry. It is TORTURE to run through these apple orchards while so hungry. It’s just not fair. Seriously. Who does this to people?

-Holy #(%&@), I ran this thing in 2:45!

Things that you think when you’ve finished running a ½ marathon.
-Where’s the wine? 

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