Thursday, February 26, 2015

30B430 #27

So yes, technically I changed this one to something else. But then I saw a Living Social voucher for a t-shirt quilt and figured it was fate. I picked out 24 t-shirts, cut some of them apart (the ones that had something on the front and back) and sent them off in a nice little box. About four days later, I got a notice that Project Repat had received the shirts and a few days later, my quilt was en route! Such quick service! The whole thing cost less than $90 and it looks so great. I tried to pick shirts that represented people and big moments in my life, including my half marathon, my sisters' schools, mom's work, and a shirt in Hebrew for Abba. I'm really happy with the results and even happier I am one item closer to completing my list!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Bonus! 30B430 #5 and #19

So how is this a bonus? Well, I went fishing and I visited a new place in Idaho! What exciting luck!

Kevin and Brooke were heading up to the cabin for the long weekend and asked if I wanted to join, along with some of their friends. Things worked out perfectly with finding someone to proctor my midterm and getting everything finished ahead of time so I gladly said yes. I packed a bag and multiple books and we hit the road Thursday night. Brooke, Heidi and I drove to Riggins on Thursday, stopping in McCall for dinner, and then drove up through Cottonwood, where we briefly stopped at the dog B&B (not a B&B for dogs for a B&B in the shape of a dog... yes...welcome to Idaho), and Lewiston, and finally through Asotin to the Snake River. Once there, we unloaded the car and loaded everything onto the boat and took that about10 minutes upriver to the cabin. It was the perfect size for the 7 of us who were there for the weekend and had a beautiful, big porch that overlooked the water. That was essentially my home for the next two days. 

We had a few excursions. On Friday, we took the boat up to the Oregon border (the cabin is essentially a few minutes north from where Idaho, Oregon, and Washington intersect) and then over to see some Nez Perce petrogylphs. On Saturday, Kevin, his friend Eric, and I walked about a mile up the back hill, checking out the water pump and the pipes from the neighbors home. We even saw some wild turkey running up the hill in front of us. 

We had delicious meals, courtesy of Jon and Tom, including some stuffed mushroom meatballs. Breakfast everyday was incredibly filling, and drinks were available around the clock. There was usually some movie on, whether it was a serious Liam Neeson movie, Caddyshack (I fell asleep....), Roadhouse (oh my, what a bizarre movie), or another fun comedy. I personally spent a lot of time out on the porch, in the rocking chair, reading. I made it through both Patrick Suskind's "Perfume" and Rosamund Pilcher's "The Shell Seekers". For a whiel, Brooke, Heidi and I hung out on the dock and fished, although the water was really muddy and we didn't end up catching anything. Because I was the youngest of the group, and kind of the odd man out, I just kind of did my thing, whether it was reading, or wandering, or lying out on the picnic table watching the stars, and I was totally fine with it. It was just so nice to get off the grid for a bit, know that all my work was taken care of, and relax for a weekend. 

I'm so grateful for this opportunity! If it had happened any earlier, I would have gotten two things checked off my list!        

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

30B430 #4

Aaaaaaaaand I can now officially say that I've read the entire Bible! Towards the end, using the plans on my Bible app was SUPER helpful because it kept me on track and, fortuitously, provided plans that allowed me to read both Corinthians AND Deuteronomy at the same time. Now, let's be clear that while I've READ the entire Bible, I definitely did not study it. I'd love to go back and read Acts in more detail, along with parts of Joshua and Judges. Acts, I found fascinating, because I realized I knew about the Pentacost at the beginning, but didn't really known much about Paul and his journeys. I know about Paul from his letters but I loved being able to read about his story. I'd also like to read Hebrews in more detail. But overall, I'm so proud that I got this done! Thanks to the app, the many Bible studies I've been in, perseverance, Sunday sermons, and everything else that helped me get here!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

30B430 Amendments

So when Jon and I first made our lists, we decided that we could have three amendments. Due to some seasonal scheduling issues, I've made these three amendments. Although technically, it's just one because I have technically done two of these already but put them on the list since I wanted to do them again. So here are my amendments.

Go white-water rafting ---> Bike ride to Lucky Peak Dam

Go zip-lining ---> Do a 5-minute plank

Make a t-shirt quilt ---> Learn to play a Jars of Clay song on the guitar (yipes!)

2 months and 4 days left!!