Friday, December 21, 2012

Pre-Christmas Events

 The blog was quiet the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas and here's why.

There were HIMYM nights with my BFF and other fun friends. We went downtown to Chandlers and then the Modern and had yummy drinks, bizarre conversations and lots of laughs.

The IC had our own festivities- Abbey and I cooked one night while Jon came to sample the food (and provide the wine). We also shared guilty pleasure songs and there may have been some dancing. Matt joined us as well for our own IC Christmas celebration that resulted in many pictures by Abbey's Christmas tree. I don't know where those pics are right now. I love these friends so much.

There was also a LOT of paper-writing and research. I'm actually really happy about where my paper ended up going. I hope my professor did as well..... (belated update- I got an A in the class!)

 I got to spend some time with my small group girls- I had them over for lasagne, which they devoured, and made them cute little Christmas presents (mugs with their initial with some sweets inside). These are such sweet girls and getting to go thrift-shopping with some of these at the end of finals week was also such a treat.

Of course it was Hanukkah too! I had to use stupid birthday candles (after searching 5 stores in Boise) for the first two nights and then found the most expensive candles ever in BB&B but it was worth it. How glorious is my 8th night Hannukiah!?

I also unexpectedly ended up playing the piano for the Children's Pageant. It went... interestingly... Transposing is NOT fun. Watching sweet kids act is hysterical. Love my church kiddos.

Such a wonderful time of year!

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