Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dusseldorf Is Wet

After a busy morning packing, spending time with family, enjoying the last vestiges of sunshine that I might get for awhile, we drove up to LAX and I hopped on a plane. It's been a long time since I've flown overseas like a normal person (i.e. not Delta First Class) but it was fine. Air Berlin was lovely. The people who worked there were nice, the quality of their movies was incredible high, the food was decent and the wine was free. That last part was the best. I managed to get some sleep and had absolutely no problems getting through passport control on Dusseldorf. Because my bags transfered all the way to Berlin, I was free to take a few hours and explore the city.

Guys, it was so wet. Once I finally mae it out into the city, I grabbed a cheap little map from the train station and started to wander. In the rain. And the cold. That certainly put a slight damper, no pun intended, on my day because I always am worried about getting sick after being in the rain. Usually I can counter this with a hot shower but I didnt even know if the aiport had heated hand dryers. But I braved the water anyway and went out to see what Dusseldorf was all about.

I can't remember many of the places I went to because my map was soaking wet by the time it was all over but here is what I remember. Dusseldorf, although wet, was very quaint. The houses were very sweet and there was a little square nearly everywhere you turned. I loved their squares with statues and churches dotted the corners as well. The river seemed to have a promenade that I'm sure is lovely in the spring and summer and fall (but not in the winter when it's wet). I also walked through a lovely covered market that seemed wonderful, just wet. I ended up picking up food at the supermarket next to the market (it was warmer) and managed to make it through without any German. Go me. By that point, I was so wet that I decided to just head back to the train station/airport. To dry out. Even though, dry, Dusseldorf, I'm sure, is charming.

St. Martin's Church

one of the main squares

I freaking love this show...

statues in the main square

statues on one of the little canals

bridge across the canal

quaint little hosues in the square

random clock in the middle of the street

I LOVE his Reformation Symphony

a very very wet river

Christmas tree

not as spectacular at the Eye

cool statue
I only have an hour and a half lay-over in Dusseldorf on my way back so despite being very very wet after returning to the airport (and buying the most expensive cup of tea ever), it was definitely worth it!

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