Friday, December 14, 2012

Starting December Out Right

Sometime over the summer, I noticed a groupon for a weekend in Sun Valley. It was $140 for two nights for up to four people which was like pennies (especially for SV) so I jumped on it. In the end, Kelsey, Aly, Abbey and I found a weekend that worked and headed up for a lovely girl's weekend.

The drive up was at night and in partial rain and NOT fun but I was certainly grateful for Abbey's conversation to keep me going and focused. We made it to the inn with no problems and went to a delicious pizza place that had unique combinations of pizza toppings. We weren't bothered and that four of us were able to catch up and relax.

The next morning, we picked up the free snow-shoes and set off to try and find some snow. As you can see from the pictures, there wasn't that much. We had about a ten minute walk through one-inch deep snow, which was quite beautiful, especially along the river, but certainly not enough to do any sort of snow-shoeing. We could have headed up to Galena Pass but the roads weren't great so we decided to head for the Lodge.

We walked around down-town Sun Valley for a little bit, popping into some bookstores and a little mall (and letting a lady at some kitchen store show us her new espresso machine that she was trying to work) and then went back up to the Lodge. There were these beautifully decorated windows that represented holiday celebrations from around the world so we picked up these little passport books and hunted down each window. For each window, we got a stamp and at the end, we got a little sweet treat (well, two, actually, we got one sweet treat at the Lodge and one at the inn... I really don't think SV is going to go out of business because we took an extra sweet treat...) Despite the high price of nearly everything in the stores, the windows were so unique and we were able t see the candy representation of SV. Although I have to admit, I was a little disappointed that it wasn't life sized. As were the other girls as well....

We had lunch in SV at a delicious sandwich place and then Aly, Abbey and i wandered around Hailey for a little bit, getting in a long walk as we checked out thrift stores and bookstores. ALl four of us took a swim in the pool and a soak in the hot-tub for a bit and then it was snacks and game night- Apples to Apples and lots of Taboo. Plus wine and snackies. That always makes for a fun night.

The drive home the next morning was MISERABLE. It was pouring and so yucky and gross. We did get one beautiful view overlooking the valley but that was it. Next time, we do a girl's weekend in the summer when it's gorgeous!

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