Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day-Tripping and Trip-Endings...

One of the day trips out of Vancouver I had researched was to Bower Island, a small isle off the coast near Horseshoe Bay. We weren't sure how the fog was going to act but we couldn't stay inside or too local just because of a bit of fog so it was off to the ferry terminal at Horseshoe Bay. The drive across the Lion's Gate Bridge was terribly foggy but a few minutes after hitting North Vancouver, we were blessed with bright sun and blue skies. We were a bit on the late side so while I dealt with parking, Cindi hurried in and picked up tickets for our ferry ride across. We literally rode through a huge patch of fog but luckily on both sides, it was sunny and bright. Bowen Island was decently well-signed and we decided to do a bit of hiking first (well, as well as you can hike in combat boots with a big purse that's holding everything you need for the day....)

We walked through the Maple and Alder paths to the fish hatchery and Briar Falls, and then over to Killarney Lake. The views were simply stunning- there was hardly anyone else around and the large maples left a carpet of large, colorful leaves on the ground. The lake was large and placid and especially in the sun it was so warm. It was lucky that the natural part of Bowen Island was so gorgeous because of the rest of the town was a bit of a disappointment. Nearly everything was closed, including the little Artisan Village and the museum, and the only thing that was open was the coffee and tea store and the beer and wine store. Well really, though, what else do you need? Cindi and I ended up getting some coffee from a little local joint and sitting in the sun playing cards for about an hour while waiting to catch the ferry back to the mainland.

Next we headed to one of my favorite places in Vancouver: Cleveland Dam. The last time Kirbi and I were here, ti was really cloudy and foggy but on the plus side, the water pressure going through the dam was so high. It was so loud listening to the waterfall of water. This time, the lack of water was compensated for by the stunning views. The water dammed up by the dam is Vancouver drinking water and because NOTHING gets into the water, the water is so absolutely still that it's like a mirror. Absolutely gorgeous and if we had the time, I could have laid out on the grass with a book and never left.

Cleveland Dam Supernatural Style ep 2x5 (another favorite)

But we had to move onto Lynn Canyon Ecology Park where there was a free suspension bridge that took you over a beautiful waterfall. Free is nice, especially when Capilano Suspension bridge is a good $30. When Kirbi and I were here last, she was NOT a fan of the suspension bridge so I didn't go too far but this time Cindi and wandered down to the river, past a staircase of natural roots, several large rock outcroppings, the 30-Foot deep pool that reminded me of Deathwater Island in "Dawn Treader" and a hidden waterfall. Lynn Canyon was also pretty empty and it was nice to just wander and enjoy the beauty of nature without loud chattering people. I would have loved to have my running shoes to go on a run through Lynn Canyon, even with the uneven ground. At this point, I think I could be very happy living in Vancouver or the surrounding area...

That night we hit the almost jackpot. We were in the room watching another Supernatural episode when I found out where Supernatural was filming over Twitter. We threw on some warm clothes and sped-walked through some SUUUUUUPER shady part of town to find the set. When I say super shady, I mean it. There were police cars on nearly every street, lots of dirty bars, and at one point, I saw a guy shooting up meth. Holy bananas, people. But we lucked out! We found it! We were half a block away from Jared Padalecki and Curtis Armstrong, who plays Metatron. It was unreal! The sad part was that Jared went out the other end of the alley so we missed meeting him but Metatron was driven out our direction and he waved at us. He might be a pretty terrible person on the show but he will forever have a special place in my heart. I can't wait to see the first half finale and spot the scene we were half a block away for!

while running around downtown we passed the Hotel Patricia- featured in 4x12

Our last day was going to be a relaxed wander around downtown Vancouver, playing things by ear. Cindi really wanted to see the cathedral so we went down to Holy Rosary and she wandered around taking pictures for a while. It was a lot plainer than we thought it would be but still gorgeous, especially with the sunlight coming through the window. Then we went to what would be a version of heaven for me. MacLeod's books had limited shelf space but what seemed like unlimited books. They were literally everywhere. So amazing. I picked up a Madeleine L'Engle book and a Jostein Gaarder book I hadn't read yet. I would have stayed there all day if I could have.

from ep 8x8- Holy Rosary is on the left side
McLeods was featured in an early ep of SPN (you can tell by Sam's hair)

the antique store was featured in ep 8x12

We meandered over to Canada Place again and sat in the warm sun reading for a bit before hunting down a place for lunch. We wound up at a restaurant near the water and the food was so good. My chicken club sandwich was to die for. Man, I ate well on this trip, thanks to Cindi and to the local restaurants! We had a great view of the water and there were some lovely Irishmen sitting nearby. We thought to go across to Sunset Beach to read but halfway there, we realized that side of Vancouver was covered in fog. Cindi headed home but I decided to go sit and read and it was lucky that I did because I ended up spotting Jewel Statie who, along with starring in "Firefly" and "The Killing" was also in a show called "Flash Forward" I used to watch in middle school on the Disney Channel and, most importantly, as Amy Pond in an episode of Supernatural. I kind of ran up a hill to catch up with her and the friend she was with but she was so nice and gracious and he took a picture of us and she is just lovely. Vancouver is a cool place, it really is.

After getting back to the room, it was still a bit light and I was still energized so while Cindi finished up her work, I headed out for a long run around the seawall. I also run better when I'm in another city or another country because it gets me to see the city in a slightly different way. We ran past the filming of the TV show "Rogue", which I know nothing about, but it was cool nonetheless, and the fog against the dying light around the seawall was just beautiful. And then it was getting things ready for the drive home, packing up, organizing, watching one last Supernatural episode before getting some sleep for the LONG drive home.

But before we left the country, we had two more stops to make. First of the convent where "Playthings" (maybe one of my favorite episodes) was filmed and then the original Winchester house. It lifted our spirits before the VERY long nearly 11 hours drive home.

our shot of the Playthings house
from episode 2x11 (a FAVORITE)
our shot of the Winchester house
taken from ep 2x20 (a favorite!)

This was such a fantastic trip! I'm already ready to go back!

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