Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fall Fashion

I have really been enjoying putting together fun outfits now that the weather is getting a bit cooler and it's not as sunny. So I thought I'd post each outfit that I wore and where I got everything (and tell you whether or not it was expensive... hint... it probably wasn't).

dress: Ross (less than $13)
scarf: gift for Christmas from mom
tights: Target ($5)
boots: Burlington coat factory ($18)
cardigan: Target (less than $20)

scarf: Covet Garden Market (less than $3 with conversion)
jacket: free (Megan's friend was giving clothes away)
jeans: Ross ($8)
boots: Goodwill ($6)
shirt: no idea- I cannon remember what was under this, probably a white t-shirt (cheap)

jacket: Macy's ($16)
jean skirt: Lord knows, I've had it for eons
tights: Target ($3)
boots: Forever 21 ($30)

I didn't have to work today so it's slightly more casual
scarf: Covent Garden Market ($3)
t-shirt: Target (cheap- part of a package of 6)
coat: Oxford shop ($10)
jeans: Ross ($8)
flats: Burlington Coat Factory (also $8)

BONUS! I had a concert on Thursday night so I had to change :)
shirt: no idea.... I bought it ages and ages ago...
scarf: guess where... :)
pants: Ross ($12)
shoes: Payless (10)
Fun fact: the pants and shoes were purchased unexpectedly
when I was in Boise visiting over spring break and ended
up going to a nicer alumni event and had to go some last 
minute shopping....

This was a quiet day spent working so totally casual
shirt: Old Navy ($4?)
jeans: Ross ($8)
boots: Hauser shoes online ($12?)

It's really nice to have fun clothes to mix and match and know that none of it was expensive (or just purchased years and years and years ago.... Maybe I should go shopping....)

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