Thursday, October 10, 2013

Random Events

Lots of stuff has ben happening and I have picturse for some and none for others. I need to be better about taking pictures. I used to be but I've gotten awful at it... Ugh, come back, picture-happy Michal!

Here's what I've been up to this last month or so.

-Two weekend ago was Homecoming and it was a lot of fun. On Thursday, a bunch of people got together for Trivia and I was on a team with Katie, Caitlin, Becky, Dustin, Justin and a random freshman who held her own against the adults. We didn't win but we certainly put up a good fight. Friday night was a tailgate party with lots of food that honestly wasn't that great but lots of chatting with alums. The volleyball game was at 7 but I'm not sure that we ended up there until 8:00? Everything had been packed up and cleaned up by the time we made it over there. Saturday was Taste of the Harvest, which was always fun, especially with the different wineries that came to pour. Taste of the Harvest is always good for seeing alums and people from the area that don't come out for other events and I ran into a bunch of lovely people i hadn't seen in a few years. There was also a Alumni-Faculty reception and I have to say, the best part of that was the breaded and fried macaroni and cheese balls. Um, heaven in your mouth. Seriously.

- I volunteered for the Saint-Chapelle wine run on Sunday morning and had a 6:45-9:30 shift. The winery was pitch black when I arrived (I actually blew past it and had to turn around in Marsing and use my map to make sure I turned in at the right place) and the girls I was working with and I were putting together timing chips on bibs and passing bibs out to the marathoners in the dark. On the plus side, it wasn't cold and only a bit breezy. And on the other plus side, I can get into another one of their races for free now so that's nice. And I got a shirt and a wine glass to boot.

-I've been hitting up the market as much as I can. Last week, Tessa, Juliette, Caitlin and I got coffee and Crux and then wandered up and down the streets and also popped into the Capitol for a bit. I got some lovely squashes for pretty cheap and last night, Juliette and Caitlin came over to make soup with the squash. The acorn squash and pear one came out really well and I haven't tried the other one yet but I want to blend it a little more and then give it a try.

-We had our first Happy Hour of the year, sitting out on the patio at Stewart's and had such a great time. We had some new people show up and they are fantastic additions to our fun group.

-Speaking of fun groups, a bunch of C of I faculty members and their spouses got together at Katie and Chris' house last Saturday to play games and try Chris' brews and share food. I made some bruschetta with fresh tomatoes, fresh mozarella, and fresh basil, and it was delicious. We played that game where we put a bunch of famous names into a hat. The first round, you could describe the person in anyway you wanted to. The second round, you could only use charades, and the third was using just one word. Needless to say, it was absolutely hysterical. Our top favorites were :Ann Veal (her?), Gene Parmesan (AHHHHHHH, HE GOT ME AGAIN!!!!!!!!), Lonesome Larry, John McGee and Ms. Devine (Katie got on the list twice!) I love this group of friends and seriously laughed so hard.

-I dog-sat for some friends last week and their dogs are so affectionate. I had Layla in my lap nearly the whole weekend and Oliver was constantly fighting for attention. And he is maybe the most ADD-fetch player I've ever seen. I love it. Bailie came over and enjoyed playing with Oliver for a bit as well.

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