Tuesday, November 26, 2013

CMS 2013

A few days (literally!) before I was heading up to Vancouver, I got texts/calls/Whats-Apps from some people at church asking me if I wanted to go to a worship music conference in Seattle. It ended up working out and I found myself out at the airport on Thursday night. There were a few little snafus with delays and I ended up getting onto another flight but I finally made it (a bit hungry but in one piece) to Seattle where Mark, Hester, and Hanna met me. We headed out to the hotel, which was quite lovely and headed to bed to be prepared for the next day of conferences.

Each day had the same schedule: the morning began with some worship and a keynote speaker before we separated into break-out sessions. After a time for lunch, we got back together for some more worship, a few more sessions and then dinner. After dinner there was a concert before the conference ended for the night and we started it all over again the next day.

The first morning, worship was led by Paul Baloche, who has done some awesome worship songs. One of the song we sang was a modernized version of "Angels We Have Heard On High". I'm a big believer in Christmas carols and I really enjoyed this version. I also went to Paul's first session, which was about worship team unity as well as how to break up a worship song to highlight certain instruments or singers and also to build up intensity. it would have been great if Mick and Jay could have been there.

The second morning session as well as an afternoon session I attended was all about having a servant's heart when leading worship. It reminded me so much about the SnL retreats we'd take in high school and something that I've been talking to my small group girls about. The passion of the speaker was so evident and I scribbled notes both times.

I was lucky enough to be able to have lunch with Nancy, especially since when I saw her over a few weeks before, it was for a very short time. We talked Orkney and exchanged books and had some yummy food and it was just so great to have that time with her.

The other afternoon session was led by Matt Maher, which also gave the concert that evening. I've seen Matt Maher before, when he was on the Rock 'n Worship tour with Jars of Clay a few years ago and I really enjoyed his concert. He had the place jumping, that's for sure! I really enjoy concerts that are also worship sessions and this was certainly one.

We ended up leaving after the second morning session but first I was able to go to a session led by Dustin Kensrue. It was a little Voyagers reunion, which was evident when Dustin mentioned a classic Voyagers song and I was the only one who knew what he was talking about. I've always appreciated how well-read Dustin is and how he uses writers that I love to influence his lyrics. It was also really nice to feel like I had a bit of an inside scoop, knowing his family and his background, probably better than most people in that room.

The drive home was long but full of conversation and laughter, especially when we were at Burger King at Kennewick, WA. I was even able to get a full night's sleep because we got home at 10 pm! Much better than 6 am the following morning like we had originally anticipated..

While this was a somewhat unexpected trip and something i never expected to do, I certainly had a fantastic time, learned so much, and am already looking forward to having a bigger group go next year!

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