Sunday, December 1, 2013


So I have been TERRIBLE with a capital TERRIBLE at posting this month. Shame on me. These posts that you see in November were not written in November. They were written in December to post in November. Shame again. So this month will be DIFFERENT. I found a 30-day blog challenge I have copied down from like forever and a year ago and so I'll have something for sure to post everyday. I will also strive to be better at
a) downloading my pictures from my phone more frequently
b) posting exciting things about my life
c) updating you about my students
d) updating you about my thesis writing
e) updates about my 30B430 (and Jon's.... although I have yet to see a hard copy of a list...)

So here you have it. Day 1- Write some basic things about yourself.

Um. OK.

Name: Michal Rebecca Yadlin
Age: 28 years, 7 months, 22 days, we're not going to bother with anything more than that
Hair: Brown-ish
Eyes: Blue-ish
Place of Residence: C-town
Occupation: Professor at C of I
Occupation 2: Thesis writer extraordinnaire(-ish)
Height: 5'5", unless I've grown/shrunk since 10th grade
Weight: Lord knows, I don't own a scale
Birthday: See above and do the math
Favorite book: To Kill A Mockingbird
Favorite color: RED
Favorite movie: Too many
Favorite TV show: Friends and Supernatural
Favorite author: Madeleine L'Engle
Favorite food: Spinach pie
Favorite friend: Haha, nice try
Favorite sister: haha, nice try again
Favorite vacation spot: St. Kitts was pretty nice
Favorite place to travel: England. Duh. Although that might change if I make it to Morocco!

Is that it? Are we good? Has that sufficiently whetted your appetite for what might come in later days? Hope so. Over and out for now!

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