Sunday, December 29, 2013

Friends I've Seen

The longer that you live away from home, the more time for your hometown friends to move away as well. However, the holidays are always nice because it's a time when many people make their way home to spend time with their families. With the weather being as crazy as it has been, there were lots of opportunities for walks, coffee dates, time basking in the sun, and lots and lots of catch-ups. I've been thinking a lot about this idea of how you have friends for a reason, a season, or a lifetime and it's made me realize that all friends are important, either because they've helped shape the person who you've become or they are still an integral part of shaping you. That's why I have pictures of people I don't really talk to anymore hanging on my walls. That's why I make an effort to get together with people from my hometown when I come home for the holidays. I'm so appreciative of my friends and the investment that they make in my life- I hope that I am able to do the same.

Unfortunately not picture: Klaudia, Cosy. Sad day.

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