Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Day, In General....

OK, this is SUPER easy because I'm boring. OK, that's a lie.... I actually have a rich and full life. But sometimes I get into these routines and it's hard to break. Which does make today kind of nice.

Wake up- usually between 8-8:30, depending on the day.

WORK OUT TIME! Always with a FitnessBlender.com workout and most often with whatever TV show was on the night before.

Breakfast and coffee. If it's MWF, I eat and drink at home. On TTH, I eat on the go heading towards the office.

Work. On MW it's usually office hours and getting things done on campus. If I'm at home, I'm reading, writing, cleaning, thesis-ing, organizing, paying bills, laundry, etc.

Class. TTH I teach in the mornings, then either get some stuff done in my office or pop home for lunch, depending on how hungry I am. Then I teach again in the afternoon. On MW I teach after office hours. On all four days, I tend to go home right after I'm done teaching.

Afternoon free time. But not really. Either I'm working again, writing, getting dinner ready, eating dinner or preparing to go off and do something somewhere. There might be a basketball game, a faculty or alumni event, friend date, rehearsal, trek to Boise, what have you.

BUT if I'm lucky enough to have a quiet evening in, that's exactly what I'll do. I'll get in some comfy clothes, maybe watch a movie or SPN episode (I'm making my way through the older seasons again...), have dinner on the couch, read, have some wine, whatever I dang well please.

Before bed I do my quiet time, read for a bit, do the NYTimes Crossword puzzle (or a puzzle from earlier in the decade) or play a few games of Sudoku on my phone before listening to some David Sedaris or LRK on my ipod and go to sleep.

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