Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Residences

Is that a word? If not I just made it one.
Today I'm supposed to tell you all the places I lived.

Here goes.


We first lived in Cornell student housing.

Then I'm sure we lived in some other places but all I remember is the Eddygate Apartments where the parking lot guy (for some reason I visualize him in my head as Captain Picard.... weird....) would save us the first parking spot. We also played baseball in the hallways. And got our across the hall neighbor Zach to play dress-up with us. I CANNOT FIND THAT PICTURE. Ugh.

Then we also lived in the Northwest area where I went to kindergarten. Alex and his brother lived upstairs. We liked dinosaurs together. There was also, at least in my mind, a little forest next to us. So that was nice.


The kibbutz. I miss you.


We had three houses. Bassey Street, where we had a bonus room, a huge deck and a massive backyard. But no friends. Sad day.

Lash Road. There were lots of kids in the area. My friend Caitlin lived around the corner. Literally. We always spent the night at her house. Her backyard was a skating rink in the winter. Our house had a basement/playroom. Preston Christenson lived around the block. I think I had a crush on him.

Wellington Circle. The best house in the world. Three doors. Three decks/porches. Huge backyard. Wood floors. The beaver pond. Perfection is every single way.


Greenmoore. Half a block from school. That was nice.

Wildwood. Home. Still.


The dorms. Best roommate in the whole word. We had two windows. It was the best.

Indiana. There were pink balconies. Yep, that's right. The neighbors were white trash. The neighbors below were this foreign couple who were the BEST. So freaking nice. The carpets were super gross and brown. I had a revolving door of roommates.


Lark Hill. Right up against the canal. Near Summertown and the bus stop and the St. John's College playing fields. Our neighbor was named Angus. Another neighbor's kid forgot to give us our modem. SOMEBODY NEVER CLEANED. But she did mow the lawn. And break the mower.


Washington. Live in a furnished room with a nice lady. Started running around the neighborhood across the street. Neighbors were super white trashy and shouted at each other a lot. It was always really early in the morning.

Sunrise. Lived in a furnished room for about a month and a half with a nice lady who then went cray-cray. I unpacked my room only to repack again like two days later. OK, a bit of an exaggeration.

20th. Home away from home. See older blog posts for pictures.

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