Monday, December 30, 2013

A Bit of an Adventure

Well, the original plan was to fly on Alaska Airways nonstop flight from San Diego to Boise. We had no traffic getting down to the airport, security was a breeze and I settled down with my Netflix to watch a few episodes of "Green Arrow." Don't ask. It's actually not bad, truth be told.

About 10 minutes before we're supposed to board, I get a text that the flight in cancelled. In the words of my father, seriously? We all troop out to ticketing, stand in a huge line (and I"m behind these Italians who I will proceeded to not be able to get away from for the next 8 hours...) and decide what to do next. A big group of us decide to take a later flight to Seattle, stay the night there, and then fly out to Boise the next morning.

So it's back to Netflix-ing, although this time I watched COG with Jonathan Groff, based on a David Sedaris story. At one point, all the Boise passagners are asked to come to the desk. This is where I start chatting with an older guy on a business trip who will become my friend for the next 15 hours. I don't ever find out his name but he looks like David Gregory so from now on he'll be referred to as DG. Turns out they're not giving us our hotel vouchers yet, we're just getting some air miles as an apology. That works.

The flight to Seattle is non-eventful although I engage in a passive-aggressive argument with one of the Italians. I will move when I'm good and ready, signora. Luckily, because I have booked my bag through to Boise, all I have to do is get my hotel voucher. The lady doesn't seem to understand what's going on and I try to hold back just demanding my voucher. Eventually I make it out to the parking lot, approximately 17 miles away, and get on the shuttle to the hotel. This is lucky because there are only 12 seats and the driver won't let you get on without a seat. This isn't Europe, people. The hotel is about 2 minutes away. Literally. DG and I stand in line for our room and are pretty sure we'll see each other the next morning. I'm in bed by 12:45, asleep by 1:15 (why you gotta be like that?) and alarm is set for 5:30 the next morning

***Update- shuttle to the airport took about 30 seconds-ish. Security was SUPER long and DG and I joked we should have pretended to be family with our other friends, a mom and a daughter. Met a new friend who was going to Phoenix. Old friend gave me her food voucher so I could get something to eat. I almost missed the flight. But made it. Then was asked to move towards the back of the plane because of balance issues. Ended up with a $50 credit for doing that. I'm pretty sure I ended up back in my original seat, just $50 richer. Bags arrived no problem and Niki and I went for coffee. Certainly not the worst travel experience of my life because at least I slept in a bed :)

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