Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 2 of December Blogging

Today's challenge is 10 Likes and 10 Dislikes.... Oh boy. Here we go.

1. Good chats with friends about everything and nothing
2. A good glass of wine at the end of a long day
3. Cooking and baking and creating yummy food
4. A big fat book with a creative and unique story
5. Family wide i-message sessions
6. Traveling
7. History
8. A solid workout
9. Dessert (which I guess negates the solid workout...)
10. My bed

1. Broken dryers
2. Having to rehearse Christmas music since early November
3. Putting away laundry
4. Gas being so expensive
5. Proofreading (can someone else do it for me?)
6. Poor communication
7. Students who don't turn in work. Or who write terribly spelled/grammatically incorrect emails.
8. BAD driving
9. The THUMPING bass that comes from my neighbors' place. Shut up!
10. Bowings that change EVERY FREAKING WEEK (guess where I was earlier today...)

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