Tuesday, December 17, 2013

When I Grow Up....

Guys, I just tried to find Tom Knight's "When I Grow Up" on youtube and I couldn't. It's a travestry, I tell you. A crying shame.

But it's a good question. What do I want to do when I'm older. No grown up because I kind of already am but in the future. When I'm older than I am now.

Ultimately I hope to be teaching history somewhere. This study skills gig is great and I'm SO grateful to have it. I just wish I could someday soon be in a classroom geeking out about history and crazy people and repetition of events and have people geek out with me. Even just one person.

I would love to do that at C of I because I love it here and I love my students and colleagues and friends but who knows.

I would also like to get my PhD someday- hopefully that'll be in England. So I can live there. And find me a British husband. I mean, learn some wonderful things and be up close and personal to the archives. And be around people with awesome accents.

Children would be nice. I used to have names for them but I'm not sure how I feel about my choice anymore... Although I would still like to have their middle names be Israeli names. It will make their lives easier and they could always pick to have those be their first names if they want.

I definitely want to keep traveling. That would be my favorite thing ever.

Owning a house one day would be nice but if it impinges upon my traveling experiences, then I would be OK just renting. As long as all of my books could fit in there.

If I were to have a big house, I would like to have a library like in Beauty and the Beast. With ladders. And lots and lots and lots of books.

Ultimately, I just want to be happy and content.  

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