Thursday, December 5, 2013

Where In the World?

5 places I want to visit.... Ha, like I could keep it at 5. But I'm going to try. Because I play by the rules. So I'm making it tougher. These are places I'm going to try and visit by the time I finish my 30B430. Hopefully.

New Orleans: I've wanted to go here for a LONG time. I have "Attend Mardi Gras" on my list and hopefully I can do that. Especially now that the one lovely Jessie B lives in Houston, which is not that far away!

Santiago de Compostela: OK, so this is part of a larger thing but I've recently gotten the urge to try and hike part of the Camino de Santiago. Maybe not the entire thing because I'm not sure I can find that much time to take but I've been making some preliminary plans in my head for making this a reality. Plus, how cool of a name is Santiago de Compostela?

Morocco: Anywhere in Morocco would be awesome but I'm thinking especially about Fes and Rabat, because, duh, if Mary Russell went there, I want to go there. I did it with Orkney, Dartmoor, the White Cliffs, San Francisco, and Oxford, now it's time for Morocco (only because I think I need Sonya come with me when I go to India...) But oh man, this is like TOP of the list for real. Especially after listening to this amazing segment on the BBC World Service about mystic religions in Morocco. So awesome.

File:Vue medina fes.jpg

Ecuador: This is kind of out of the blue. But hear me out. Jennie and I were talking a few days ago and she mentioned trying to get down to Ecuador this summer before she and her brother take a trip there with C of I students next year. I've always wanted to attempt South American or Central America or heck, anywhere south of the Equator, and why not do it with someone who ALREADY SPEAKS SPANISH. I mean, really.

Philadelphia: I've wanted to go here for a LONG time but the timing just never worked out. However, with a sister and a Danielle in DC and a Rochelle and Philly and a Sonya and a Guberman family in NYC, it looks like my Spring Break is planned out and I've got myself a city to check of!!

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