Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Domestic Projects

I found myself with a bit of time on my hands in January, especially while my thesis was with my committee and I wasn't in class yet. So I thought I'd attempt to domestic projects around the house. Almost six years ago, I bought these really beautiful sepia prints of London from a stall in Camden Market. They are oddly shaped (11x25) and finding frames for them was difficult. I also had some other things I wanted to hang and the big blank wall in my bedroom was calling my name. So after scouring stores to try and find frames that would accomodate these prints, I finally went to Hobby Lobby (never again- the people are all wayyyyy too cheerful for me....) and bought these buildable frames. 

Using what little crafty skills, I mangaed to fit the frames together. I needed some backing though so I went down to the craft store and bought some white poster paper. Luckily I had cardboard from the box my bed came in so I covered that with poster paper and then blu-tacked the print onto the cardboard. It was unfinished though, so after some facebook asking, a bit of bouncing around from Lowes to Home Depot, I bought a sheet of thin acrylic that, fortuitously, was the perfect size to cut into 3 identical 12X25 pieces. The acrylic was the final touch that made these frames look at least somewhat professional. 

I bought some cerificate frames at the dollar store for my Jars of Clay set-lists and ordered a frame from Jo-Anns for my map and one from an art store in Brooklyn for my Jars of Clay poster. Everything fit perfectly. And luckily I still have the scraps of poster paper for backings. At Freshmen orientation, I won two gorgeous 5x7 picture frames and found two of my favorite Oxford photos to frame. It all fit together perfectly and thematically. (Because we all know that I'm all about theme... right? Sort of?)

Caitlin came over one night and gave me a hand (or two hands) in putting everything up on the wall. And it looks great! I'm so excited how the final product turned out. It's very me. Come visit and see for yourself!

only injured myself once :)

and then discovered I had no bandaids....
My other domestic project was to prep some meals for when life got busy (and I didn't have time to shop or prepare things). I spent a little time online researching freezer meals and crock-pot meals and found so much to make! After a few shopping trips to stock up on all the ingredients, I spent about three hours in the kitchen one day listening to This American Life and Wait Wait Don't Tell Me prepping everything. Each bag probably contains enough food for about four days and there are all sorts of yummy things- apple pork chops, sweet and sour sausage, orange chicken, BBQ pork tenderloin, my mouth is watering just thinking about it all! All you do it defrost the bag in the freezer the night before and then crock-pot it the next day. I'm hoping my crock-pot is big enough! I might have to justify getting a new, slightly bigger, and more technological one so that I can actually leave it at home. Right now, mine is tiny and has an on and off switch. Not even a high or low switch! But it was free, so no complaining. I haven't had anything yet but I'm excited for this weekend when I'll actually be home and able to sample. I can't wait!

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