Friday, August 2, 2013

Flashback Friday- AXP version

This year marked my 10 years involved with the Arts-X-Press program. I was a counselor for four years (six weeks altogether) and this has been my sixth year as a teacher (either 11 or 12 weeks teaching- I can't exactly remember but I"m pretty sure I've done two weeks each year...). I can't explain what an incredible program this or all the ways that it's impacted kids. I love that so many of the counselors these days are former campers (we used to only call them "artists") and how the AXP love is just passed down from year to year. I love being with a staff that you go for a year without seeing and then pick up right where you left off; A staff that trusts and supports each other and the director/coordinator/manager for the week and has each others backs. I love it.

I have some GREAT pictures from when I was a counselor but those are all hardcopies and I don't have them on my computer. So here's a Flashback Friday for the years that I have digital copies. Memories!

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