Monday, August 26, 2013

Jars Preview

Jars of Clay's newest record "Inland" comes out TOMORROW and I am stoked! I've gotten to listen to the CD streaming off of Billboard so I know what's in store and it's amazing. Once again, they have managed to make a fantastic album with heartfelt, emotional, exciting, thought-provoking music. In anticipation, I thought I'd go through my favorite songs from their previous 10 albums, along with some other special songs.

Jars of Clay "World's Apart"- If you thought I was going to pick "Like a Child", you were wrong. I love World's Apart. I love how it slowly, slowly, builds up to the end. The "bridge" has some of the most wonderful lyrics. "More and more I need you/I owe you more each passing hour/the battle between grace and price/I gave up not so long ago/so steal my heart and take the pain/and wash the feet and cleanse my pride/take the selfish, take the weak/and all the things I cannot hide." It gives me chills!

Much Afraid "Hymn"- This is the CD that I'm least familiar with but the last song is wonderful.  It's got such a simple accompaniment and it has the added bonus of a gorgeous cello line. It encompasses the simple worship of a hymn but does it in such a modern way. "I'll pirouette upon my grave/for in your path I'll run and hide" is my favorite line.

If I Left the Zoo "Collide"- This song is just so fun. I love how the beginning makes you think one thing (and the humming and yawning!) and then they just dive into the rock sound with the great drum lick. I don't know I can just picture Dan singing this with a bit of a smirky smile, especially the verses.


The 11th Hour "Fly"- OK, this is my favorite song on the CD and I did not know the backstory. Wow. I love it even more.... The chorus is absolutely my favorite except for the "Shed your heart and your breath/And your pain and fly/Now you're alive." Ugh, it just gets me every time!

Who We Are Instead "Lonely People"- This CD came out when I was going through kind of a rough time, with lots of transitions, uncertainties, unknowns and changes. There were definitely some good times but also some unknowns and this CD came out at the most perfect time. The songs encouraged and uplifted me but this song especially always made me smile and reassured me. And yes, I know it's a cover but I can't help but love this version. 


Redemption Songs "Jordan's Stormy Banks"- Let's be honest, I can't sing you the original hymn version but that's what I love about Redemption Songs. The hymns have the original meaning but a new sound and feel. This one has the most amazing harmonies that I can't get enough of.

Good Monsters "Smoke and Mirrors"- I can't necessarily pin-point what it is I love so much about this song. The harmonies are great and the meshing of Dan and Leigh's voices are wonderful. I guess if you held a gun to my head, my favorite thing about this one are the lyrics.  "Love's a hard decision to risk impending choke/But love will keep you wishing/ And my heart will keep me broke/Love's a contradiction/Many mirrors and smoke/Love will keep you wishing/My heart will keep me broke." Bang.

The Long Fall Back to Earth "Scenic Route"- I've mentioned this song before but it's worth mentioning again but it is AMAZING. For some reason, my ipod clearly knows I love it because it always plays this song when it's on shuffle. Drive that car all the way around the moon- sometimes I wish I could do that so I can put off whatever is facing me that I don't want to face. I could, no joke, drive around for hours in the dark just listening to this song. The only reason I don't is because gas prices are too dang high. Otherwise I would. Come and join me.

The Shelter "Lay It Down"-  I actually have no idea that this CD was a thing (shame on me!) but about a week before I was meant to see Jars in concert, I found it at the Record Exchange. What luck! I proceeded to listen to it a good ten million times before the show. I also based my entire Winter Camp seminar after the ideas mentioned. But "Lay It Down" is my favorite for two reasons: 1) Dan and Dawn's harmonies (again....) and 2) the lines "Why carry on our own what's coming to all men? Why drag your bag of bones to hell and back again? Why carry on our own what's coming to all men? Look around, lay it down."

Christmas Songs "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"- I think I've mentioned this song before as well but it deserves repeating as well. This obviously isn't an original but the way that the song builds and builds and then suddenly gets quiet is so beautiful. I get chills when I hear Dan sing "Then pealed the bells more loud and deep/God is not dead, nor doth He sleep/The Wrong shall fail, the Right prevail/With peace on earth, good-will to men."


Inland "Fall Asleep"- So, true story, I kind of wrote a story about how the songs in The Long Fall Back to Earth connect and out of all the songs on Inland, I feel this one TOTALLY fits in as a sequel or an epilogue for that story. The crickets at the beginning are GENIUS and man, the lyrics are gorgeous. I've listened to this a dozen times so far and I can't decide if I think this song is sad or hopeful. Oh well, I have no problems listening to it ten million more times. The simplicity of Dan's voice and Charlie's piano is perfect. I'm praying that they play this one at the concert. I would love to see it live. 

A few additional favorites. "This Land Is Your Land" is a fun take on a Guthrie class and I dare you to not cry when listening to "Fly Farther". I double dare you.

And finally, I love that Jars of Clay has gone from songs about "Tea and Sympathy" to "The Coffee Song" to "Loneliness and Alcohol." It's like we all have been growing up together.


And as a fun added bonus, here are some pictures from the numerous times I've seen Jars of Clay in concert. Guess which one is one me hearing them in concert from the first time???

Click HERE to pick up your copy of Inland!

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