Sunday, May 26, 2013

Catching up

The last few weeks were FILLED with papers to write, footnotes to format, presentations to grade, grades to post, bags to pack and houses to close up. The last weekend in town was actually super relaxing. I spent Thursday night out in Boise, hung out with Abbey's kids in the afternoon, but then spent the weekend relaxing, watching movies (watched the Hobbit and LOVED IT!), enjoying the warm weather and getting things prepared for the drive out.

Monday morning, I packed up the car, all my traveling things, shoes, books, food, my plants, waited for Niki to swing by and we headed down to Reno. We were originally supposed to leave much later but because Niki got out of work early, we were able to have dinner with Mark and Ginny. It was absolutely delicious and the conversation we had was even better. I owe them so much because if they hadn't suggested I check out College of Idaho, where the heck would I be? Who knows? God is good.

The two days of driving were long, as usual, and stressful because I hate having to pass on one-lane highways. We had to do a slight detour because of construction on the 395 and ended up driving through Barstowe and hitting some traffic but I was so glad to get home and have home-made grilled dinners and see mom and abba and Andrea for dinner.

And on Wednesday I got to visit Megan and Kasey and meet Mr. Karter! Love him already.

On Wednesday, I repacked my bag and we had no issues with our flight out to London. The seats felt SO cramped though and I've never felt that claustrophobic before. And I was so nauseous as we were landing, which screwed up how I felt the rest of the end- hungry but not hungry and just kind of misterable. It didn't help that the weather was dour. Niki and I made the best of it though, popping into the Wellcome Center for a bit and going to get some food at a place that apparently was the site of filming for Sherlock. We also stopped by the British Library and I was able to get registered and get things settled for when I started working on Tuesday, so that was great.

We found the hostel later that night with no problems and it was SO great to just crash into bed.

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