Sunday, May 19, 2013


Way back in February, I found out that Pentatonix was coming to Boise on tour. I didn't know which of my friends in Boise were fans so I asked Tessa, my concert buddy, if she was interested. She said she'd check them out and then I find of forgot about it for a bit. Then, in April, she was over for dinner and randomly asked "Hey, do you still want to go see Pentatonix?" Within ten minutes, we had purchased our tickets. 

Fast forward to several weeks later, and we had grabbed our drinks and were edging our way into the main area of the Knitting Factory. Tessa is the QUEEN of getting closer to the stage so I stuck close to her. The opening band was actually a few bands from a music school (very School of Rock) and the kids were adorable. But we just were eager for the main event. And bored in between so we took a lot of pictures. I swear we hadn't had anything to drink yet. We were just SUPER hot. 

But finally they arrived on stage! They opened with the song that was my favorite from their "Sing-Off" days- and although I took some videos on my phone, they are IMPOSSIBLE to upload properly so I just resorted to you-tube. There you have it. Their stage energy was just magnificent and their sound is really just so cool and so unique.

The group was formed by Kristie, Mitch and Scott, at their university and although they had been planning on auditioning for "The Sing-Off" alone, they were advised to get a rhythm section and a bass singer. Enter Avi (who can sing two notes at once and, lets be real, I'd probably swoon hearing him sing the dwarf song from the Hobbit....) and Kevin who is my favorite because he can beat-box and play the cello at the same time. New life goal realized. Now who can teach me how to beat-box?

I haven't listened to them a ton a you-tube and somehow missed getting their EP from whatever sister has it, so the concert was about discovering how utterly talented they truly were and discovering new songs of theirs. This is my favorite cover that they did all night. Also, they went back to their choir roots and guided the audience in three part singing. I wish I had a video of that because it was "freakin' awesome...."

And despite the fact that I utterly despite Nicki Minaj, this was wonderful.

They closed the show with "We Are Young"which was poignant for me because the next concert I'm going to see is fun. This was such a wonderful night- thanks to my concert buddy Tessa and the wonderful quintet that is Pentatonix!

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