Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Week of Thanks

Day 13- I'm thankful that there's always an escape. The tolerance that I have for some people in my class at BSU is getting lower and lower each day. But despite that, I can always leave. I can always go home. I can always walk away. And I'm SO thankful for that. It keeps me from hitting people.

Day 14- I'm thankful for a day that my students can work on their projects so I can get some things of my own done. Even if it's reading an autobiography of Oswald Mosley.

Day 15- I'm thankful for numerous groups of friends. Wednesday night, the C of I Happy Hour crew went out to get some Mexican food. Good conversation and frequent laughter abounded. I'm so grateful for these friends who are also co-workers. Thursday night, April hosted a drinks and game night. The mixed cocktails were delicious and Crimes Against Humanity was disturbing and I chatted with people I had never met before and had great conversations. I'm thankful that I feel like I'm becoming better at social interactions.

Day 16- I'm thankful for a TV that can be turned into a fun night. We had a HIMYM night where the boys suited up and the girls got dressed like Robin and Lily and we went to fancy places for fun drinks. Side note: coconut rum and diet Coke is maybe the second best drink in the world, only behind Miami Vices. I'm also additionally thankful for dinner experiments- Abbey and I made spaghetti squash with sauteed spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms and chicken sausage. Delicious.

Day 17- I'm thankful for even seven days of persevering with my new workout routine and doubly thankful for a bathtub to sooth sore muscles.

Day 18- I'm thankful for a church full of sweet, well-intentioned people (even though I may not agree with everything they do politically) who are gracious and loving and generous. I'm glad that I have a place to call home, even though it's not as conveniently located as it could be...

Day 19- I'm thankful for the ability to write while laying down. I screwed my back up and still got grading done. And then I got to watch Supernatural. And I'm very thankful for that.

Day 20- I'm thankful for sudden changes in the weather. This morning, walking to the van at 7:30 am was not freezing, windy and chilling. It was breezy, gray light, and a fresh smell in the air. I love surprises like this.

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