Monday, November 26, 2012

Month of Thanks Day 26

Today I'm thankful for the sister closest in age to me, and my most recent sisterly roommate, Roni, or LIR (listen, you come late to the game, you get the worst nickname... and that really is the worst nickhame ever...). I cannot explain how great the six months we got to live together were (minus when she was a slobette and wouldn't clean... or when i was mortified at her dirty her room was and had to make excuses to a very good looking British fellow). The trips that we took together were memorable, from the new friends we name in Dublin on St. Patrick's Day to the WORST.CASTLE.EVER on the Isle of Wight, to our Mary Russell day and hanging out in Hyde Park, or Regents Park, or whatever park it was.

I also love how we have the cutest little kid pictures together. Proof.

She's the first sister that I spent an extended amount of time with as an adult (both of us as adults), and despite some minor flaws, I'm so proud of the person that she's become. I can't wait for the day that she (safely!) blasts off into outer space and (safely!) returns back down to earth having done something cool up there- although I suppose just the fact that she's outer space is pretty cool... Just as long as I'm invited to the launch. :)


  1. I love these last 3 days of thanks!! But you need to post the photo of you two sharing a drink--1 glass, 2 straws! Maybe later I'll send it to you so you can add it...

  2. LIR is not THAT bad. I personally think PN got the short end of the stick in this game. Although it's probably the most hilarious. The second word just makes me kind of uncomfortable.

  3. Agreed on the photo. And on the nicknames. LIR is pretty bad but I acknowledge that I deserve it for being a latecomer. However, if you hadn't let me see that horrible horrible horrible vampire episode as my first ever episode then perhaps I wouldn't have been so anti-SPN for so long!
