Thursday, November 1, 2012

Month of Thanks Day 1

November is the month that people equate with giving thanks. Let's be clear, I am thankful for so many things all the time but joining in with being specific about one thing a day I'm grateful for this month will not only keep me thinking about my thanksgivings but also consistent with the new blog. So here is Day 1

I am incredibly thankful for my work family. These are some of my most supportive friends and I am so grateful for that. This profession isn't easy. It can be incredibly frustrating, thankless, repetitive, fill-in-whatever-adjective-you-want. It's also very collaborative and I'm thankful that the people I collaborate with are also friends of mine. On days when I have five hours of straight meetings with students, I love being able to send an email to a friend saying "I have some time for lunch! Come over!" and within two minutes, that person is in my office. I love having someone across the hall from me who can distract me when things get too heavy or I can go over and vent to and have long conversations about the literary inaccuracy of the Little House on the Prairie TV show. I love having an office next to the copier so that friends stop by to chat on their way to and from the machine. I love having people I can email and within the week, there's a fun Happy Hour planned where we can drink and talk about anything BUT our students. 

Thank you, work friends who are also life friends. I'm thankful for you!

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