Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Month of Thanks Day 28

Today I'm so thankful for my friends from afar. Some of these lovely ladies I"ve known for years, others for a shorter time but they are all near and dear to my heart.

Sonya and I tend to get into scrapes together that always wind up as amazing stories. From numerous group projects in HS to moving from Berkeley to SF, walking all over NYC and then having tea and cupcakes on the steps of Lincoln Center, hours and hours and hours spent at her house eating gushers and fruit by the foot, I always know that time with her will leave me worn out from laughing.

Mindy, Kirbi and I have known each other since middle school and I will always and forever cherish our memories from small group. I was so honored to be part of Mindy's wedding and Seattle and Vancouver adventures with Kirbi were unforgettable.

My second longest friend in the world! Friend until the end of time. Chatting with her on Sunday and already cannot wait. Danielle Elizabeth is just the greatest.

Words can't describe the impact of these two on my life. Megan and Amanda have given me more advice than I can recall, seen me cry more than anyone else, made me laugh more than anyone, called me out when I need to be called out and given more more support than I could ever ask for. My favorite thing to do with them is sit on the couch and talk for hours.

Technically friends in the fourth grade, Andrea and I really became friends in the seventh grade. Girl scouts, parties, Fancy-Feast, lots and lots of snarky comments passed back and forth between texts and facebook messages over the last few years. Such a great travel buddy and always there for a good conversation comment.

Roomie! Love this girl so much and love her sweet family and love being able to visit her when I can and be able to reminisce about the crazy adventures we seemed to get ourselves into while in school.

Mistress K, my gorgeous friend who is probably the only person who would ride bikes to Starbucks and then drink our coffees in the pool. I love our skype dates and love even more when we're able to get together in person.

What I would give for more one afternoon at Paradise Perks with Bethie! I miss those days where we'd spend long afternoons together on bike rides and then at PP getting coffee and talking about anything and everything. So grateful that she is one of the few that I still talk to from Life Group, especially because her vibrancy and optimism, which is so catching.

Even though this is a wretched picture of both of us, Rochelle's friendship since middle school has been invaluable. She's always encouraged me and stood up for me and she's given me some cool opportunities, most recently a chance to join a book reviewing website. I'm so proud of all the work that she's doing and love reading the papers that she's working on. Can't wait for her to rule the world!

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