Saturday, November 24, 2012

Month of Thanks Day 24

Day 24- I'm thankful for the youngest bugger in our family, Youval, also known to the rest of her sibs as PN (You can ask her what that stands for.... she probably won't tell you though).

Even though we push each other's buttons, she's still my baby sister and woe betide you if you upset her or are mean to her.
True story...

I also feel like these sum up our relationship quite nicely.

I'm so excited about the adventures that she's having, the things that she will do with her life, the changes that she was make in this world. Hopefully she'll invite me to Oslo when she wins the Nobel Peace Prize. And then I can tell them all how bad she was at making peace with her older sister when she was little. JK! Although there was that one time she scratched me and drew blood....

Love you, PN! So thankful for you little bugger.

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